EuroChem showcased its developments at the CIPR-2023 conference

EuroChem took part in the conference Digital Industry of Industrial Russia (CIPR-2023) held in Nizhny Novgorod. This event is one of the five largest in the field of digital economy in Russia.

The company presented its technological solutions and projects at the platform of the Industrial Competence Center “Chemistry”. These are EuroChem’s own developments, as well as projects that are being worked on in the framework of the Industrial Competence Center.

A significant part of the conference was dedicated to the discussion of the activities of industrial centers of competence, created as a result of last year’s event. Over the past year, the Industrial Competence Center “Chemistry” analyzed over 50 projects, all of which were prioritized according to the principles of ensuring the reliability and safety of the production process. Now the portfolio of “Chemistry” includes nine especially significant projects, two of them received grant co-financing.

During the conference the Industrial Competence Center “Chemistry” also presented its future plans, including the implementation of tasks and initiatives of technological leadership, cooperation with other industrial centers, obtaining state co-financing for especially significant projects of the second stage, and involving the scientific community in the projects “Technological modeling” and “Real-time production optimization”.

According to the results of the work of the Industrial Competence Center “Chemistry”, EuroChem received gratitude from the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

At the “Chemistry” platform, the participants of the conference learned about the projects that the Center for Digital Technologies and Platforms (part of EuroChem) is working on: digital advisers, process modeling, data collection and equipment diagnostics systems, and reliability management.

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