PhosAgro plans to create about 30 new biological products by 2030

As part of a new program for the development of biological products, PhosAgro plans to create about 30 new bioadditives for plants and livestock by 2030. This was reported by Mikhail Sterkin, General Director for Sales, Marketing and Logistics at PhosAgro during the SPIEF’23 session.

According to the statement of Mikhail Sterkin, the program for the development of biological products, nutrition correctors, growth stimulants, which will appear by 2030, is a joint development of the Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicides.

Besides, Mikhail Sterkin noted that PhosAgro is actively developing various projects for agricultural producers. They are designed to familiarize them with the products and teach them how to use mineral fertilizers correctly and more efficiently.

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