Production of Russian fertilizers in January-May decreased by 0.8%

Production of mineral fertilizers in Russia in May amounted to 2.2 million tons. This is 5.9% higher than the same period last year. Compared to the previous month, the growth was 1.5%.

During the first five months of this year, 10.3 million tons of fertilizers were produced. Last year, over the same period, 0.8% more products were produced.

Compared to May 2022, the production of potassium fertilizers increased by 11%. Compared to April 2023, the growth was 3.9%. In general, over the five months of this year, potassium fertilizers were produced 12.1% less than in the same period of the previous year.

In May 2023, phosphorus fertilizers were produced 5.2% less than in May last year but 2.7% more than in April this year. In total, during the January-May period, 2% more fertilizers were produced than in the same period of 2022.

Nitrogen fertilizers were produced by 6.9% more than in May last year but by 0.4% less than in the previous month. In the January-May period of 2023, Russia produced 6.1% more than during the January-May period of 2022.

Insecticides in May 2023 were released by 19.9% more than in May 2022, and by 5.6% more than in April of this year. In the first five months, 13.6% more insecticides were produced than in the same period last year.

Despite the fact that the production of fungicides in May increased by 17.8% compared to last May, when compared with April 2022, it collapsed by 34.9%. In the January-May period of 2023, 1.5% fewer fungicides were released than in the first five months of last year.

Herbicides in May 2023 were produced by 14.4% more than in May 2022. Compared to April 2023, production decreased by 3.7%. During the January-May period of this year, 2.2% more herbicides were produced than in the same period last year.

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