Russian Government will provide subsidies for the purchase of agricultural drones

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia is developing a draft decree, according to which manufacturers of unmanned aircraft systems will receive subsidies to partially offset the costs associated with discounts provided to buyers of their products. This document is posted on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

The federal project “Stimulating demand for domestic UAS” will be included in the national project for the development of unmanned aircraft systems.

“We see a significant demand for light and medium multi-rotors, used, among other things, for the needs of monitoring, spraying agricultural land, and logistics operations. Support in the form of discount compensation will strengthen the competitive position of Russian manufacturers relative to foreign analogues. Due to this mechanism, in the next three years alone, the purchase of almost 14 thousand domestic UAS for the amount of more than 4.5 billion rubles (almost $48 million) can be ensured,” commented Vasily Osmakov, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia.

Subsidies will be available to UAS manufacturers who have the conclusion that their industrial products were manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation. The maximum amount of the subsidy can be up to 1 million rubles (over 10.5 thousand) per UAS and up to 50% of its cost.

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