Genesis Fertilizers Eyes Fertilizer Distribution Centre Near Canadian City of Tisdale

Genesis Fertilizers sets its sights on establishing a fertilizer distribution center near the city of Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada. This endeavor is a collaboration between Genesis Fertilizers, Invest Tisdale, and local industry partners. The proposed location for the center lies within the newly formed agricultural, industrial park on Highway 3 to the west of the town.

Genesis Fertilizers is a partnership primarily owned by Western Canadian farmers, uniting to shape the future of fertilizers for Canadian farmers. Their objective involves vertical integration of urea production and distribution. Among the group’s strategic initiatives is the plan to set up a 700,000 million tonnes per annum urea production facility in Belle Plaine, accompanied by a network of seven storage and distribution facilities spanning the Prairie provinces.

The new distribution center aims to enhance the storage, blending, and direct distribution of fertilizers across North East and East Central Saskatchewan, with potential expansion into Western Manitoba.

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