FMC wins preliminary injunction in Mexico over the patent infringement

Global agricultural science corporation FMC announced that it has applied to the Mexican courts for a preliminary injunction against Rainbow Agro Sciences for patent infringement. The announcement came shortly after Rainbow Agro Sciences sought registration in Mexico for chloranthraniliprol and products containing chloranthraniliprol. Recall that this drug is the leading insecticidal ingredient of FMC under the brand name Rynaxypyr active.

The preliminary injunction directs the Federal Committee for Sanitary Risk Protection (COFEPRIS) to ban Rainbow’s import and export of technical chloranthraniliprol into and out of Mexico and deny Rainbow any registration of chloranthraniliprol containing products.

“We are pleased with the Court’s decision, which reflects its understanding of the urgency of this issue and the importance of using genuine, registered crop protection technologies on farms in Mexico,” said Michael Reilly, FMC Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. “The court’s ruling is important for future infringement claims and strengthens FMC’s confidence to protect and enforce its patents worldwide. Our intellectual property rights are an important tool to drive innovation and increase ongoing investment in new plant protection solutions.”

FMC invests heavily in research and development that drives innovation on farms around the world. The company is committed to ensuring that farmers use genuine crop protection products from legal sources.

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