EuroChem presented the new KAS-32 fertilizer in Azerbaijan

EuroChem presented traditional fertilizers and new solutions to agricultural producers in Azerbaijan. One of these products is liquid nitrogen fertilizer KAS-32, which is especially effective in arid climates.

The fertilizer contains three forms of nitrogen: amide, ammonium and nitrate (allows absorption through the root and through the leaf). The liquid form of the fertilizer offers a wide range of applications: spray application, subsoil application and during the irrigation. The fertilizer is well combined with plant protection products and water-soluble fertilizers.

EuroChem, which became a pioneer in the introduction of liquid fertilizers in Russia, shared its experience with agricultural producers of the CIS countries. The company’s experts held a seminar on the topic of effective crop nutrition in the arid climate of Azerbaijan. The seminar aroused genuine interest from importers of fertilizers in the country, large agricultural producers, as well as employees of the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan.

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