PhosAgro is building a fertilizer distribution center in Saratov region

PhosAgro is building a distribution center for mineral fertilizers. The work is carried out at the site, which is located in the Kalininsky district of the Saratov region. Andrey Vovk, CEO of PhosAgro-Region, announced this during the All-Russian Field Day 2023 agricultural exhibition.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Saratov region, design work is currently being carried out. The first stage of construction of the complex should be completed in 3Q2023. After that, it will be possible to accumulate mineral fertilizers for spring sowing. For the entire period of construction (from 2022 to 2025), PhosAgro-Region’s investments in this project will amount to about 200 million rubles (over $2 million).

Governor of the Saratov region Roman Busargin believes that the opening of the distribution center will make mineral fertilizers more accessible to local farmers, which will increase the profitability and efficiency of the region’s farms.

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