Uralchem will develop regulations for the use of drones to apply fertilizers

Uralchem specialists have successfully tested agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles for applying fertilizers on plant leaves.

The main advantage of drones over ground-based equipment commonly used for spraying fields is the ability to apply nutrients without being tied to the presence of the necessary conditions for going to the field. The weather often interferes with the process, making the farmers to miss the necessary phase of fertilizer application, important for its effectiveness. Also, the use of drones allows avoiding damage to crops that are present on the field after the passage of a standard sprayer.

The pilot project was carried out in the Saratov region on the fields with one of the most common crops in the region – sunflower and corn for grain. Both liquid and complex NPK fertilizers from the Solar line were tested in various dosages at different flow rates of the working fluid. The application was carried out by two types of unmanned aerial vehicles with rotary atomizers and nozzles similar to those installed on the booms of ground sprayers. In addition, the droplet size was studied, which will provide the maximum coverage area for the effective assimilation of nutrients when they are applied through the leaf.

Based on the test results, the most effective dosages of fertilizers, the optimal consumption of the working solution per hectare, as well as the recommended droplet size will be determined. There are plans to repeat the tests together with pesticides.

All materials on fertilizers from the Solar brand line will be further supplemented with information on the possibility of using drones.

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