TogliattiAzot completed the overhaul of ammonia unit No. 6

TogliattiAzot completed a planned overhaul of ammonia production unit No. 6, which lasted three months. During this time, the basic elements of the unit were examined and replaced, and new technological equipment was installed.

The overhaul was carried out in accordance with new standards and operating requirements. It was aimed at maintaining safety and increasing the environmental friendliness of production. The most labor-intensive repairs were on the auxiliary boiler, which produces steam for the technology. Among the most significant works are updating the synthesis gas compressor, replacing the pump for pumping methyldiethanolamine solution and loading the catalyst into the reforming furnaces.

The company was also the first to carry out a technically complex operation – demagnetization of all flow parts of the air compressor, both the turbine and the high and low pressure housings.

After completion of the repairs, the ammonia production workshop began start-up technological operations.

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