Fake Fertilizer Factory Raided in Pakistan

Heavy Flood after Heavy Rain In the Local Stream. Flood Water Entered very Fast to the Houses and Shops . Houses to Near The Bank and Thins which are commonly Use are Destroyed Badly. This Picture is of the 1st  day of Flood and the water Level is Decreased This Time. Date 24th Of August 2022. Mingora Swat Pakistan.

In a coordinated effort to curb the production of counterfeit fertilizers, teams from the Agriculture Extension Department of Pakistan have seized fake products and materials valued at over $5,900. The raids were conducted at various fraudulent fertilizer factories, leading to one arrest so far.

Assistant Fertilizer Controller Allah Rakha Sandhu was responsible for the seizure of counterfeit fertilizers and associated materials worth approximately $5,900. During a raid in Babar Town’s Naag Shah Chowk, under the jurisdiction of the Qutubpur police station, a case was opened against factory owners Muhammad Imran, Tariq Khan, and Malik Munir.

The suspects are accused of producing nine different types of fake fertilizers. Subsequent raids at a sham factory in Shujabad resulted in the recovery of DAP fertilizer and other materials valued at roughly $500. Legal proceedings have been initiated against Shahid Kareem and Muhammad Amjad in relation to this raid.

Police have secured all confiscated items, and samples of the seized fertilizer are being sent to laboratories for further analysis. The crackdown aims to ensure the integrity of agricultural products and protect farmers from the potentially damaging effects of counterfeit fertilizers.

Source: The Nation

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