Zambian fertilizer dealer is under scrutiny for alleged fertilizer fraud

Macro of Zambia on a globe, narrow depth of field

A local fertilizer dealer has been implicated in a scandal involving the sale of adulterated fertilizer to local farmers in Zambia’s city of Chingola. The owner of Jeda Agro Suppliers, known as Mr. Muzhimbu, is accused of repackaging genuine fertilizer by blending it with lime, soil, and other substances before selling the counterfeit product.

Peacewell Mweemba, the Police Chief of Copperbelt Province, reported that the fraudulent activities came to the fore after several victims lodged complaints. An ensuing investigation led to the seizure of 116 bags of fake fertilizer. The police detailed that Mr. Muzhimbu acquired authentic fertilizer from Micro Source Company in Lusaka, only to degrade it in Chingola at his facility. The tampered product was then distributed to his retail outlets at Chiwempala market.

While the authorities continue investigating this matter, the incident has highlighted the challenges Zambia’s agricultural sector is facing and the need for stringent measures to protect farmers from fraudulent practices.

Source: Mwebantu

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