Bolivia and Brazil collaborate to enhance fertilizer production

Federative Republic of Brazil and Plurinational State of Bolivia Flags Over Blue Sky Background. 3D Illustration

In their second bilateral meeting aimed at enhancing fertilizer production, Bolivia and Brazil discussed the financing of new urea and potassium chloride plants and the exploration of phosphatic resources.

Carlos Fávaro, Brazil’s Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, remarked on the progress post-meeting in Brasilia. Through his Facebook account, he stated, “In the meeting with Bolivia’s ministers of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina Ortiz, and Rural Development and Lands, Remy González, we took another step in preparing a bilateral agreement to resume commercial, technological, and institutional relations between Brazil and Bolivia.”

The day consisted of two significant meetings. In the first, Bolivian ministers engaged with representatives from Brazil’s Ministry of Mines and Energy and other sector authorities. This meeting covered a range of topics, including fertilizers, lithium, gas exploration, and electricity.

The subsequent meeting involved discussions with Minister Carlos Fávaro. The talks focused on projects related to potassium chloride plants in Coipasa (Oruro) and Uyuni (Potosí). Discussions also encompassed the financing of a second urea plant in Puerto Quijarro, Santa Cruz, another in Cuiabá on the Brazilian side, and the exploration of phosphatic resources in Bolivian territory.

Additionally, progress was made towards signing a memorandum of understanding with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). Discussions also centered around implementing a business model for the urea plant in Tres Lagoas, with Bolivia’s participation through YPFB.

These agreements align with the Bolivian government’s strategy to enhance fertilizer production. Bolivia aims to become one of the primary suppliers for Brazil’s agricultural and food industry, considering Brazil currently imports 90% of these products from other countries.

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