Acron announces plan to boost production of granular calcium nitrate

I had this shot in mind already long before I took it. And as it often happens, I wasn’t planning on being able to take it on that day, but then I saw both tractors on their field from 1km away, and so I started up the drone. Although I had to work against strong winds, I was able to capture what I had imagined before.

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Russia’s Acron announced on Monday that it intends to significantly increase its output of granular calcium nitrate.

The company, which is based in Velikiy Novgorod, said it has two aims: first, it will boost the production capacity of a plant that it opened last year to 135,000 tons annually; and second, it will build an additional plant with a similar production capacity. This will give it a total production capacity of 270,000 tonnes per annum, which equates to a 150% increase in output.

Acron said that the first part of the project will require the replacement of evaporators; the renovation of granulation plants; the establishment of dry separation processes; the construction of an electrical substation equipped with two transformers, each boasting a capacity of 2.5 MW; the installation of VOC systems; and the development of a storage facility. It also noted that the fluidized bed drum granulation technology, which was previously sourced from a foreign licensor, will be substituted with an in-house alternative.

Acron added that the second facility, which will cost 3.5 billion rubles, is scheduled to be commissioned at the end of 2024. It said that construction will be overseen SPC Acron Engineering, a division within the Acron Group.

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