Bolivia’s president inaugurates new fertilizer plant

Bolivia’s president, Luis Arce, officially opened a major new granulated fertilizer plant in the city of Cochabamba on October 13.

The country’s Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy said in a press release that the facility will produce 60,000 tonnes of controlled-release urea and NPK fertilizers per annum. It stated that this will meet 100% of domestic demand, and that the surpluses will be sold on international markets.

The Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, was quoted as saying that ‘this industrial plant is part of our strategy to improve agricultural productivity and become a country that is self-sufficient in the production and consumption of its own food.’

Molina noted that Bolivia has all of the raw materials it needs in order for the new plant to sustain its output of compound fertilizers.

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