Pakistan in talks with Azerbaijan to purchase urea

A picturesque cornfield, bathed in golden sunlight, stretches endlessly across the rural landscape. Rows of lush corn plants stand tall, promising a bountiful harvest. This idyllic scene captures the essence of agriculture and the beauty of the countryside.

Pakistan is seeking to purchase urea from Azerbaijan in order to tackle an acute national deficit, Azernews reported on Thursday.

The publication said that the two countries are currently holding negotiations – with Pakistan trying to secure 200,000 tonnes of fertilizer in order to make up the Rabi season shortfall.

Pakistan, which has seen a number of temporary closures of urea factories due to natural gas shortages, is also reportedly in talks with China and Russia.

Azerbaijan began producing urea fertilizer in 2019. It has one manufacturing facility, the Sumgayit Carbomid Plant, which has a capacity of 660,000 tonnes, most of which is exported.

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