Donated Russian fertilizer arrives in Mozambique en route to Zimbabwe – TASS

Chemical fertilizer Urea Stock pile jumbo-bag in warehouse waiting for shipment.

A ship carrying 23,000 tonnes of donated Russian fertilizer has arrived at the port of Beira in Mozambique, whence it will be transported to Zimbabwe, Russia’s TASS news agency reported on Tuesday.

The agrochemicals, which have been supplied by Uralchem, were loaded on to the vessel in the cities of Riga, Latvia, and Ghent, Belgium, in cooperation with the World Food Programme.

Uralchem agreed to donate 262,000 tonnes of fertilizer to developing countries after the goods got stuck at European ports following the EU’s decision in March 2022 to place sanctions on its then-majority shareholder, Dmitry Mazepin.

The shipment to Zimbabwe represents Uralchem’s fourth donation of fertilizers to Africa. The company has now supplied 100,000 tonnes of agrochemicals to the continent, 77,000 tonnes of which were sent from European ports to Malawi, Kenya, and Zimbabwe.

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