Romania’s Azomureș resumes fertilizer production

close up chemical Fertilizer in sacks. Nitrogen (N): leaf growth,Phosphorus (P): Development of roots,Potassium (K): Strong stem growth. NPK

Romania’s largest fertilizer maker, Azomureș, said that it has resumed operations following its decision in early December to suspend production, local media reported on Thursday.

The company, which is owned by the Swiss agribusiness Ameropa Group, said that its factory will begin producing at 50% capacity – and that its fertilizer should be ready for the country’s farmers ahead of the spring application campaign.

Economedia quoted an Azomureș representative as saying: ‘We’re trying to provide support to local farmers who are preparing for the end of winter and looking towards the spring farming campaign and need fertilizer. Even if no important public policy steps have been taken yet to support the industry in Romania in any way.’

Azomureș has been highly critical of the Romanian authorities, accusing them of failing to support the country’s ailing fertilizer industry and adopting unhelpful policies.

The company’s CEO, Josh Zacharias, said last month that inflation, anti-competitive practices, and a future 1% tax on revenues are conspiring to push Romania’s agricultural sector towards a crisis.

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