IFC and Descon seek to reduce post-harvest grain losses in Pakistan

The agricultural arm of the Pakistani conglomerate Descon and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a view to curbing the annual postharvest losses of staple grains in Pakistan.

The partnership seeks to address the substantial yearly losses of wheat, rice, and maize, which are estimated at $2bn. These losses are a considerable factor in the country’s food insecurity, impacting 36.8% of the population. The collaboration between Descon and IFC is underpinned by a shared commitment to take advantage of private sector initiatives for positive, sustainable impacts on Pakistan’s agricultural sector.

Descon, which says it is dedicated to supporting small-scale farmers, looks set to play a transformative role in the agricultural domain. The company is keen on promoting sustainable agricultural practices and boosting productivity among the farming community. This endeavor is not just about improving agricultural outcomes but also about contributing significantly to the economic empowerment of small-scale farmers and ensuring national food security.

Faisal Dawood, the vice chairman of Descon, has expressed optimism about the partnership’s potential. He emphasized the importance of modernizing agricultural infrastructure and streamlining supply chain processes to substantially reduce postharvest losses and improve the quality of staple grains available to the Pakistani populace.

With its industry-leading expertise and a wealth of resources, Descon is positioned to make a notable difference. The company’s efforts, coupled with IFC’s global reputation for driving impactful projects, underscore a robust collaboration aimed at creating sustainable and long-lasting improvements in the agricultural sector of Pakistan.

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