Yara and Azane granted safety permit to build ammonia bunkering terminal

Yara announced on Monday that the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection has given its approval for the construction of the company’s planned ammonia bunkering facility at Fjord Base in Florø, Norway.

Yara said that the proposed terminal consists of a floating stationary barge with a capacity of 1000 cubic meters, or 650 tonnes, of low-emission ammonia. The permit allows for up to 416 operations annually, many of which are expected to be bunkering operations for offshore supply vessels that regularly call at Fjord Base.

The planned terminal is part of Yara Clean Ammonia and Azane’s efforts to decarbonize shipping by ensuring that low-emission ammonia becomes a commonly used fuel. Yara said that, with maritime demand for ammonia growing, the companies eventually plan to establish a network of terminals across Scandinavia.

Yara Clean Ammonia, Azane, and Fjord Base, alongside their project partners, will now begin the process of obtaining a permit from the local municipality, before making a final investment decision.

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