Lloyd’s Register and Guangzhou Shipyard International partner on world’s largest ammonia carrier

Lloyd’s Register (LR) and Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI) have embarked on a joint development project (JDP) to create the world’s largest ammonia carrier, with a capacity of 100,000 cubic meters (cbm). This landmark initiative was announced during the Posidonia 2024 exhibition, marking a significant advancement in maritime energy transport solutions.

The vessel’s design incorporates an independent IMO type B tank dedicated to the safe storage of ammonia. This design enhancement aims to optimize the vessel’s operational efficiency and safety standards. Lloyd’s Register has contributed its structural design assessment and prescriptive analysis expertise to refine the vessel’s architecture.

Nick Brown, CEO of Lloyd’s Register, highlighted the project’s broader implications for global energy strategies. “As major economies begin co-firing ammonia in coal power stations to reduce their CO2 footprints, shipping will play a pivotal role in distributing clean hydrogen-based commodities like ammonia,” Brown stated. He emphasized the project’s alignment with global efforts to meet Paris Agreement commitments.

Chen Ji, Chairman of GSI, expressed confidence in the project, underscoring GSI’s strong market reputation for innovative ship designs and robust R&D capabilities. “The development of the 100,000 cbm VLAC is a testament to the collaborative spirit and trust among our long-term partners and an ammonia producer,” said Chen. He credited Lloyd’s Register for their support and advisory role in this pioneering venture.

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