Ammonium sulfate production has dropped at KuibyshevAzot

Over the nine months of this year, the KuibyshevAzot plant (Togliatti, Samara region) reduced ammonia production by 5.6% to 800.1 thousand tons, however, it managed to increase the production of mineral fertilizers by 1.6% to 379 thousand tons (in terms of 100% of nutrients).

Ammonium nitrate production increased by 5.1% to 491.1 thousand tons within the overall volume of mineral fertilizers, urea output grew by 0.7% to 273.6 thousand tons, but the production of ammonium sulfate decreased by 4.2% to 391, 5 thousand tons.

Construction of a new urea unit is ongoing at the KuibyshevAzot. At the same time, commissioning has begun at the ammonium sulfate nitrate production facility and at the second universal complete nitric acid production line.

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