KuibyshevAzot launched the new ammonium sulfate-nitrate production

The KuibyshevAzot plant (the city of Togliatti, Samara region) held the grand opening of the ammonium sulfate-nitrate production. The capacity of the new unit is 360 thousand tons per year with investments of 4 billion rubles (approximately $54.9 million).

The opening ceremony was attended by the Governor of the Samara region Dmitry Azarov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Samara region Andrey Shamin, and the General Director of KuibyshevAzot Alexander Gerasimenko.

Ammonium sulfate-nitrate is a mineral fertilizer that simultaneously supplies plants with nitrogen, sulfur, and micronutrient elements. Its application increases soil fertility and has a positive effect on the growth and formation of crops compared to traditional fertilizers. It can be used on all types of soil and for all crops. Ammonium sulfate-nitrate is especially demanded in regions with a lack of sulfur in soils. Sulfur keeps nitrogen in the soil, preventing it from being washed out quickly.

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