Acron expects sales growth in Argentina

In 2019, Acron Group shipped over 100 thousand tons of liquid fertilizers to Argentina, a carbamide-ammonia mixture making up the bulk of it.

To make direct deliveries to the Argentinean market, Acron Group has created its own distribution company, Acron Argentina. In early May 2019, the first consignment of a carbamide-ammonia mixture was shipped by water to the country.

Acron also leased storage capacities with a total volume of about 50 thousand tons in the ports of San Martin and Zarate, which have a strategic geographical location, and formed a team with extensive experience in the sale of mineral fertilizers in Argentina.

“We continue to expand the geography of our strategic presence. We develop distribution where we see market growth potential and where our presence brings additional benefits to customers,” said Dmitry Khabrat, Vice President for Foreign Economic Affairs at Acron Group. “We expect that in the near future, the share of Acron Group will be up to 20% of the country’s liquid fertilizer market. Next year, we are planning to begin distribution of dry fertilizers in Argentina.”

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