Yara and IBM to develop digital agriculture

The Norwegian mineral fertilizer producer Yara International (hereinafter – Yara) and the American IBM have agreed to create the Open Farm and Field Data Exchange platform and to invite farmer associations, research organizations, public associations to join it in order to increase the efficiency of agriculture on the planet.

According to the leaders of Yara and IBM, digital technology has the potential to make a significant contribution to the development of food supply systems. This requires accurate data on existing farms and their working conditions, however, today farm and field data are dispersed across different bases and are typically non-compatible and inaccessible.

Therefore, a collaborative approach is essential. The Open Farm and Field Data Exchange aims at combining data from different players to solve specific issues and introduce innovations. Sharing information allows farmers to receive high value services and to be paid in return for sharing their data.

Using the Open Farm and Field Data Exchange can also make it trustworthy for its users to meet upcoming legislative changes.

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