Severodonetsk Azot resumes ammonia and urea production

Severodonetsk Azot (part of Group DF’s nitrogen business) has begun preparations for the launch of ammonia and urea production units. The capacity of the ammonia unit is 1.7 thousand tons per day, the urea unit will produce 1.2 thousand tons per day.

“As per our plans, the company will start its own production of ammonia and urea in early March 2020. If things shape up in our favor, we are planning to produce about 39 thousand tons of ammonia, 31 thousand tons of urea, 49.6 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate in March,” said Leonid Bugaev, Chairman of the Board of Severodonetsk Azot.

Thus, the full production run will be restored at the enterprise, i.e. its own ammonia will be manufactured from natural gas, and other types of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, carbamide-ammonium mixture, urea) will be output from the ammonia.

The ammonia and urea units were stopped in September 2018. In March 2019, ammonium nitrate and carbamide-ammonium mixture were produced from toll ammonia. As a result, 384.09 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizers were produced in 2019.

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