Fertilizer production is expanding in Ukraine

In the 1st quarter of this year, chemical enterprises in Ukraine were able to increase the production of mineral fertilizers and plan to increase it in the future, said the President of the Ukrainian Chemists Union Alexey Golubov.

“This year, after six years of shutdown, we managed to start the production of ammonia at Severodonetsk Azot. And this made it possible to increase production. In the first quarter of this year, Ukrainian chemical enterprises manufactured 170,000 tons of mineral fertilizers, more than in the same period in 2019. And in April, Ukrainian enterprises will further increase production,” Alexey Golubov noted at a meeting with Oleg Ustenko, Advisor to the President of Ukraine on Economics.

Igor Golchenko, the Vice-President of the Ukrainian Chemists Union, cited the data that, compared with the indicators of the beginning of 2019, prices for mineral fertilizers have been reducing quarterly and are now at the lowest levels in recent years.

“We are working to ensure that this process continues, or that there are no noticeable price fluctuations, at least. Gas has really fallen in price, and we see the producer’s reaction in its price. However, there are still some other ways how the market can be given a more affordable product, which is exactly what every manufacturer is interested in,” he said.

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