Kemerovo Azot repairs main workshops

Kemerovo Azot (part of SDS Azot) has begun a repair campaign and plans to complete it on October 30. The main works will take place in ammonia workshops #1 and #2, carbamide workshop and nitric acid workshop #15. The repairs began with a carbamide workshop. On June 7, the overhaul also started in ammonia workshop #2.

The overhaul in carbamide workshop will last 14 days and will affect the key units. The main difficulties in repairing are related to the dimensions of the reactor, which hight is 35 meters.

The implementation of the repairs in the ammonia workshop #1 will increase the reliability of the equipment and will allow the plant to continue operating at full capacity.

The repairs in the nitric acid workshop #15 will mostly affect unit #1.

The 2020 repair campaign will not be so large compared to the last one in 2019. However, due to the fact that Kemerovo Azot doesn’t plan to stop the natural gas pipeline next year, then technically complex and accurate works are to be done in 2020. This year, the gas pipeline stoppage is scheduled on September 7 and will last 114 hours.

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