TomskAzot prepares to launch

TomskAzot is completing the construction of ammonium nitrate production with a capacity of 11 thousand tons per year.

In March this year, the company became a resident of the advanced development territory of Seversk (Tomsk region). During the next three months, TomskAzot carried out the works necessary to start the production of ammonium nitrate.

Currently, the pre-commissioning of the automated control system and the main technological equipment is in full swing. It is planned that the production will reach its designed capacity by mid-July. And then the enterprise will officially start operating.

It is worth noting that in September 2018, TomskAzot CEO Evgeny Melnikov gave an interview to Fertilizer Daily and confirmed that the launch of TomskAzot was scheduled for December 2018 reaching the designed capacity during the first quarter of 2019.

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