Gazprom sharply increased sulfur export

In the first half of 2020, Gazprom Export (part of Gazprom) significantly increased the volume of sulfur exports compared to the planned indicators and supplied about 1.3 million tons of sulfur to foreign consumers. The company set a record for its export transportation by water.

In the first months of navigation in March-April, Gazprom Export already supplied 270 thousand tons, which was the company’s absolute record for a comparable period. In the following months, the volume of sulfur supplies by water transport also corresponded to the highest rates over the last ten years.

In terms of serious competition from Middle East producers, Gazprom Export not only maintains wide geography of sulfur supplies but also continues systematically diversifying it. Thus, the company managed to increase export volumes to the countries of Africa. Strong positions in this market are especially important since it’s an alternative to the main sulfur market — the production of phosphorus fertilizers.

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