Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant started a renovation project

Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant (part of Uralchem) has launched a project to reconstruct the phosphoric acid reception and transmission unit. The revamp will help improve product quality and prevent nutrient depletion in phosphate fertilizers.

The conducted studies have shown that the existing production scheme needs to be improved, which will allow the manufactured products to meet the changing requirements of consumers. Phosphoric acid is planned to be added to the usual nitrogen-phosphorus solution used to produce products.

In the ammonium nitrate workshop, it’s also planned to upgrade storage tanks, install a new phosphoric acid transfer unit and modernize the unit for draining phosphoric acid from railway tanks. In the workshop of nitrate salts and phosphoric acid, the location of the phosphoric acid buffer tank will be changed and new pipelines will be installed.

It’s expected that Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant will receive high-quality phosphoric acid for further processing from Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers.

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