North-Western Phosphorous Company extends the life of its Oleniy Ruchey mine

Open-pit mining at the Oleniy Ruchey deposit (Murmansk region) will be extended for two years. This is the conclusion of the geologists of the North-Western Phosphorous Company (part of Acron Group) after a detailed exploration of the area on the south-western side of the open pit.

Open-pit mining was planned to complete in 2023, however, already soon the company will introduce new design documentation, which will allow extending the life of the field until 2025. As follows from the experts’ report, additional 2 million tons of apatite-nepheline ore will be received from the southwestern side of the open pit.

In March this year, the Oleniy Ruchey mine set a new record for ore production over the past four years of 770 thousand tons. At the moment, over a million tons of ore have been stored in the warehouse for further processing. High results were achieved due to the optimizing of cargo transportation and reducing the hauling distance of the transportation of rock mass.

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