Acron conducted a staff reshuffle

Acron Group announced changes in the management staff of the Acron and Dorogobuzh plants.

The position of Executive Director of Acron has been taken by Oleg Tikhonov, who had served as Executive Director at Dorogobuzh since February 2019. Roman Dmitriev, who previously worked as Chief Technology Officer, has been appointed Executive Director at Dorogobuzh. Vladimir Gavrikov, who previously worked as CEO at Acron, now takes the position of Advisor to the CEO of Acron Group.

Oleg Tikhonov was born in 1972, graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University and has been working at Dorogobuzh since 1995. Roman Dmitriev graduated from Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology and has been serving at Acron Group since 2005.

“Oleg Tikhonov and Roman Dmitriev have extensive experience of working at the enterprises of the group. I am confident that their professionalism and leadership skills will help them to contribute even more to the development of manufacturing enterprises,” said Alexander Popov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Acron Group.

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