Imports of Belarusian fertilizers restrain the production of Severodonetsk Azot

During the January-June period of 2021, Severodonetsk Azot (part of Group DF) managed to increase the production of nitrogen fertilizers by 61% to 534.7 thousand tons. According to the statement of Valentin Golubev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Severodonetsk Azot, capacity utilization and the formation of a product line meet the demand, however, significant imports of mineral fertilizers from Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and Georgia do not allow the company to reach a 100% loading.

“Unfortunately, Ukraine is far from being effective in protecting its fertilizer market. The situation looks weird when Belarusian fertilizers are still going to Ukraine at dumping prices. It hits the Ukrainian producers. Due to the sanctions, European countries no longer accept Belarusian fertilizers, while their import to Ukraine almost tripled in May. Sadly but our borders remain open. This is what happens when the interests of national producers are completely ignored, and the interests of foreign producers are being pushed through,” said Valentin Golubev.

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