Togliattiazot has completed the repair of one of its carbamide units

Togliattiazot (Samara region) completed the overhaul of carbamide unit No.2. The completion of the repairs will stabilize the operation of the unit for the next year and ensure a non-stop production process.

“The specialists of the repair departments of Togliattiazot and contractors have completed a large-scale necessary work in a short time, which will ensure the safety of the technological process and reduce the risks of emergencies during the carbamide production,” said Dmitry Lukyanchenko, Acting Repair Director of Togliattiazot.

The overhaul of carbamide unit No.2 was conducted as part of the strategic program for the modernization of production facilities, carried out since 2012 and aimed at improving the efficiency and safety of Togliattiazot.

Within the framework of this program, the company has already revamped the carbamide and ammonia production units and both isothermal ammonia storage facilities — the largest in Russia.

The total investments within the framework of the program have currently exceeded 55 billion rubles (approximately $727.9 million).

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