Berezniki Azot will increase the speed of carbamide packaging

Azot branch of Uralchem in Berezniki (Perm region) has completed an investment project to increase the capacity of packing carbamide into bags (50 kg) up to 40 tons per hour. Its cost was 27 million rubles (over $388 thousand).

The need to implement the project was caused by an increase in demand for carbamide. Therefore, to launch a new packaging plant in the product loading shop, the sack container warehouse was also reconstructed and an auxiliary winch was installed. As a result, the need to use shunting diesel locomotives when positioning cars at the loading platform has been eliminated, thereby reducing their downtime on the running track.

“The filling plant was in trial operation during the last two months of 2022. Since January of this year, the equipment has been operating at full capacity,” said Andrey Semenyuk, Director of the enterprise.

Now the daily volume of packaging has increased from 100 to 240 tons. The launched equipment ensures the stability of the weight in bags, allowing the company to maintain the quality of carbamide during transportation.

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