Farmers of the Tambov region exceeded the fertilizers purchase plan

During the January-February period of 2023, farmers and agricultural enterprises of the Tambov region exceeded the plan for the purchase of mineral fertilizers by 50%, which also includes 69 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate stored in their warehouses, the press-service of the regional government reported.

In general, this year 120 thousand tons of fertilizers should be purchased for spring sowing in the Tambov region. For the whole of 2023, almost 187 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers have been accumulated.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Tambov region, together with agrochemical services, calculated the region’s scientifically substantiated need for mineral fertilizers – 686 thousand tons per year, based on the available sown area of 1.8 million hectares.

“The planned need for mineral fertilizers in the period of preparation for the spring sowing campaign in the region will be completely closed. Every year, Tambov farmers increase the application of mineral fertilizers to the soil. This allows us to achieve a high yield of crops,” said the head of the Tambov region Maxim Egorov.

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