KuibyshevAzot’s new plant faced environmental concerns

The project of KuibyshevAzot plant (the city of Togliatti, Samara region) to create a new complex for the production of nitrogen fertilizers on the basis of its Kurskkhimvolokno enterprise was stalled due to the local population’s concern about its environmental safety.

As the governor of the Kursk region Roman Starovoit said, neither the government of the region nor KuibyshevAzot itself has yet made a decision on its construction.

“Today, there is not even a preliminary agreement on the technology for the production of fertilizers, there is no agreement on the possibility of providing raw materials in the required volumes, namely natural gas,” he said.

The government of the Kursk region decided to create a working group on the issue of the KuibyshevAzot project. The group will analyze the parameters of the project and their compliance with regulatory requirements. Representatives of the public, political parties, local residents, and environmentalists will be invited to its meeting.

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