TogliattiAzot improved one of its products quality

TogliattiAzot improved the quality of carbamide-formaldehyde concentrate. Products with improved characteristics have been tested and appreciated by manufacturers of synthetic resins for the woodworking industry.

Carbamide-formaldehyde concentrate, one of the top three key products manufactured by TogliattiAzot, is used as a component for synthetic adhesive resins. The production of synthetic resins is actively developing today, and the materials themselves are widely used in various fields. First of all, they are in demand in adhesive compositions, including as a binding element in the production of chipboard, hardboard and plywood.

At TogliattiAzot, carbamide-formaldehyde concentrate is produced on three production lines. After analyzing customer feedback, TogliattiAzot decided to improve one of the product’s parameters – the indicator of the buffer capacity of the environment. A number of technical solutions introduced in the production of the concentrate helped to achieve a reduction in this indicator from 16 to 12 ml, with an allowable 18 ml. This allowed consumers to increase the efficiency of their own production processes.

The work of TogliattiAzot’s chemical technologists resulted in the introduction of a new brand of carbamide-formaldehyde concentrate: KFK-85/I (improved) was added to the existing KFK-85.

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