East-West Seed Philippines Pays Tribute to Local Farmers

Global tropical vegetable seed company East-West Seed Philippines has proclaimed August as “Vegetable Farmers’ Month” with the theme “Bida Magsasaka.” This nationwide celebration honors the invaluable contributions of smallholder vegetable farmers. Recognizing the significance of these farmers in society, Jay Lopez, the general manager of East-West Seed Philippines, highlighted their unwavering dedication and perseverance. The company has organized a nationwide caravan to travel throughout August, gathering and celebrating with farmers from various regions.

As part of the tribute program, East-West Seed will offer discount coupons of up to P1,000 (approx. $18) for farmers’ seed purchases. The coupons can be used to obtain seeds of various vegetable varieties, including sweet pepper, corn, pumpkin, yard-long bean, tomato, hot pepper, eggplant, watermelon, bitter gourd, and cucumber. Beyond discounts, the company plans to showcase the inspiring stories of these farmers through the #BidaMagsasaka social media campaign. These narratives will shed light on the farmers’ resilience, passion, innovative practices, and positive impact on their communities.

Source: Manila Standard

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