KazAzot stopped due to emergency shutdown at the Mangistau Nuclear Power Plant

Two units of the KazAzot enterprise suspended their production out-of-schedule due to an emergency shutdown at the Mangistau Nuclear Power Plant (Mangistau NPP). Environmentalists stated that as a result of the incident there was a short-term release of nitrous gas into the atmosphere.

The regional department of ecology responded immediately by sending specialists to the scene. They measured the air quality in the sanitary protection zone of KazAzot.

The department noted that no excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants was registered.

Despite the absence of pollution, an unscheduled inspection from the Ministry of Ecology will arrive at KazAzot soon. The relevant documents are already being prepared.

It should be noted that the incident at KazAzot is not the first that is related to the work of Mangistau NPP. Recently, due to an accident at the Mangistau NPP, the Atyrau Oil Refinery stopped.

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