KazAzot in 2022 plans to increase the production of ammonium nitrate

In 2021, KazAzot produced over 380.7 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate. Of the total volume, almost 134.9 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate was supplied to farmers and agricultural enterprises in Kazakhstan and almost 126.4 thousand tons — to industrial companies.

About 134.4 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate were exported. Deliveries were made to Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan.

This year, KazAzot intends to increase the output of ammonium nitrate to 400 thousand tons. KazAzot produces ammonium nitrate and complex fertilizers.

KazAzot is currently implementing a project to modernize the compound fertilizers workshop. Within its framework, it’s planned to create technological flows for the production of a carbamide-ammoniac compound, nitrogen-phosphorus and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

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