Lucent Bio announces strategic expansion

Lucent BioSciences on Tuesday announced its strategic expansion into the US, the EU, and Brazil. The Canadian agri-tech company said the move reflects the growing demand for its climate-smart crop-nutrition products Soileos and Nutreos, which are helping to support increased food production without the need for additional natural resources.

Lucent Bio noted that while it is committed to promoting innovation and sustainability across a diverse range of markets, its strategic focus is on increasing its presence in the US market; the company said it will achieve this through partnerships such as its recent distribution agreement with Van Diest Supply, which will enable it to supply Soileos to farmers in the US Midwest.

Lucent Bio said that, simultaneously, it is actively engaging in strategic initiatives in Latin America, collaborating not only with agri-food industry members but also with the world-renowned Brazilian agricultural research corporation Embrapa to support advanced agricultural practices and agri-food systems throughout the continent’s largest country.

It added that in the EU Lucent Bio has forged partnerships with several leading agriculture distributors, crop input providers, and food processing companies to get product manufacturing operational and serve the European market.

Lucent Bio’s founder and CEO, Michael Riedijk, commented: “At Lucent Bio, collaboration is key to driving meaningful change in agriculture. As part of its growth strategy, Lucent Bio is dedicated to fostering partnerships that drive innovation and sustainability in agri-food systems. By joining forces with industry leaders and local experts, Lucent Bio aims to leverage collective expertise and resources as we address pressing challenges and seize opportunities in diverse agri-food systems globally.”

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