UPM Biochemicals launches biostimulant range

Winter crops in the field, in the horizon, greenery, autumn, sunset time. High quality photo

UPM Biochemicals has announced the launch of a new range of bio-based plant stimulants, UPM Solargo, marking the German company’s entry into agrochemical market.

UPM’s biostimulants are highly innovative, environmentally friendly, and greatly beneficial for a broad range of crops cultivated in fields and greenhouses, the company said.

It explained that, unlike traditional fertilizers, UPM Solargo biostimulants do not directly provide nutrients to the plant; rather, they increase nutrient absorption, utilization efficiency, and plants’ stress tolerance.

It added that in long term testing, the biostimulants have been shown to increase crop yield and quality. Furthermore, they have the potential to reduce demand for NPK fertilizers.

UPM’s Solargo biostimulants contain plant-based polyphenols from renewable sources and are derived from lignin, a non-toxic bio-material.

UPM said that test marketing has been finalized with great success in key European markets and the process of rolling out UPM Solargo at full industrial scale has started.

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