Egypt’s Prime Minister visited leading local ammonia producer

During a series of national development project inspections, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli visited the Misr Fertilizer Production Company (MOPCO) in Damietta, which is the largest fertilizer production facility in Egypt. The visit was part of a broader inspection tour in the Damietta governorate, aimed at assessing and promoting key industrial and development projects.

Prime Minister Madbouli’s visit underscored the strategic importance of MOPCO in Egypt’s agricultural sector and its broader economy. The company plays a critical role by providing 25% of the local market’s urea needs, which corresponds to approximately 55% of its total urea production. The remaining production is exported to various global markets including Europe, America, Asia, and Africa, thus positioning MOPCO as a significant player in the international fertilizer market.

Moreover, MOPCO satisfies 60% of the local demand for ammonia, further cementing its pivotal role in supporting Egypt’s agricultural infrastructure. The government’s commitment to enhancing the production capabilities at MOPCO reflects a strategic push to boost both local agricultural productivity and export revenues. This aligns with Egypt’s broader economic objectives of localizing industry and increasing the value and volume of its exports.

The inspection tour by Prime Minister Madbouli at MOPCO is part of a comprehensive government effort to facilitate and accelerate the growth of industrial capabilities within the country, enhancing its position as a leading producer in the region.

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