OPP will be privatized

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky instructed to prepare large state-owned enterprises for privatization by December 1 and set the date for the first tender — it will be held no later than April 1, 2020.

The objects of privatization include single property complexes of state and communal enterprises and blocks of shares of joint-stock companies, where more than 50% of the shares are owned by the state. Another parameter to be counted is the value of the asset, which should exceed 250 million hryvnias ($9.6 million).

Back in January this year the Ukrainian government approved a list of enterprises subject to privatization this year, including the Odessa Port Plant (OPP) in the list.

OPP is one of the most powerful chemical enterprises in Ukraine. It can produce more than 1 million tons of ammonia and 600 thousand tons of urea per year.

Source: Prime

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