Hydrometallurgical Plant wins lawsuit with Rosprirodnadzor

The trial in the arbitration court of the Stavropol Territory between the Hydrometallurgical Plant (Lermontov) and the Rosprirodnadzor department for the North Caucasus Federal District ended by victory of the plant, the court decision was published on September 12, 2019 in a file of court cases.

The Hydrometallurgical plant appealed to the Arbitration Court of the Stavropol Territory with a statement to the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the North Caucasus Federal District on the invalidation of the requirement to pay a budget for negative environmental impact in the amount of 42.659 million rubles. and penalties in the amount of 13.553 million rubles. for 2016 and the requirements of the payment to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation of payments for negative environmental impact in the amount of 40.534 million rubles. rub. and penalties in the amount of 7.740 million rubles. for 2017.

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