1,125 ha of greenhouses to be built and modernized in Russia by 2025

Over the next 5 years, more than 1.1 thousand hectares of winter greenhouses are to be put into circulation and modernized in Russia, which will increase the gross vegetable yield in greenhouses to 1.6 million tons. The growth path of the industry was discussed on November 18 in Krasnodar at the 2nd international research-to-practice conference “Modern Technologies for Greenhouse Vegetable Production”. The event was attended by representatives of the professional association “Greenhouses of Russia” and more than 15 industrial companies from around the world.
According to forecasts, at year-end 2019, Russian agricultural producers will collect more than 1.2 million tons of greenhouse vegetables, which will provide almost 60% of the market needs for greenhouse products. By 2024, this figure should increase to 75.6%. Greenhouse complexes are also there to increase the yield and quality of products.
The association “Greenhouses of Russia” noted that modern greenhouses could not do without the use of energy saving technologies. Significant resource savings come from the use of water soluble fertilizers. This was reported by Valentina Korneeva, representative of Almaz Fertilizers (previously the Hydrometallurgical Plant, Lermontov, Stavropol Krai), in her speech at the conference.
‘Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, especially water soluble fertilizers, are used to strengthen both the root and leaf systems of plants. The complete absence of turbidity and sediment, together with 100% solubility make it possible to use them in greenhouse complexes with complex irrigation systems, save on water consumption for irrigation. The low content of heavy metals has a positive effect on the quality of vegetables themselves,’ noted Ms Korneeva.
Drip irrigation systems require the most effective nutrient mixes. The R&D center physically based at Almaz Fertilizers is engaged right in the development of new types of products and improvement of their production technologies. One of these products, an ammonium phosphate mix, is already available on the Russian mineral fertilizer market.

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