Rivne Azot produced over 540 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizers

During eight months of this year, Rivne Azot (part of Group DF) produced 540.2 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizers, including 378.5 thousand tons of ammonium and 132.7 thousand tons of lime-ammonium nitrate.

“We have preserved the production capacity of our products compared to the same period of 2019 with a growth rate of 100.4%. The company managed to maintain a high level of production. This year, we used 1.6 times more ammonia of own production than in the same period of 2019. Because of this, we were able to use the full capacities of the mineral fertilizer production workshops. Our strategy remains unchanged: we focus on the production of those products that bring more profit. At the same time, we execute all the contracts signed with farmers and traders,” said Mykhailo Zabluda, Chairman of the Board of Rivne Azot.

According to his statement, the only thing that negatively affects sales is the massive supply of foreign mineral fertilizers to the Ukrainian market.

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