Who is the best fertilizer producer in 2020?

Fertilizer Daily has published a mineral fertilizer producers ranking of 2020. As in the previous years, the ranking is formed based on publicly available business indicators of the largest fertilizer companies in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as news materials published in high-profile media.
Many factors influenced the final position of the analyzed companies in the ranking, including their websites, the availability and transparency of their financial and operational indicators, and updating in social networks. This year the ranking includes 20 manufacturers with total revenue of 1.75 trillion rubles ($23.905 billion) and net profit of 340.14 billion rubles (approximately $4.65 billion). Such indicators as revenue per employee helped to understand how effective a particular company is in the analyzed period of time.
PhosAgro is TOP-1 in the ranking of fertilizer producers of 2020 showing high financial stability with a revenue of 248.12 billion rubles (approx. $3.39 billion) and a net profit of 34.50 billion rubles ($471.27 million). During the year the company was transparent in providing information to its clients, journalists, investors, and representatives of government agencies. While forming the ranking, Fertilizer Daily also took into account the company’s contribution to the development of the industry as a whole and international activities aimed at popularization of Russian products abroad.
EuroChem took second place with strong financial indicators showing revenue of the company of 382.17 billion rubles (approximately $5.22 billion), and a net profit of 62.91 billion rubles (approx. $859.35 million). Uralkali took the third position with a revenue of 171.92 billion rubles (about $2.35 billion), and a net profit of 74.59 billion rubles (approx. $1.019 billion).
The rest of the companies slightly changed their positions in the rating under the influence of the changed financial indicators and other analyzed factors. Among the outsiders, one can notice Rustavi Azot and Odessa Port Plant, which did not disclose their financial indicators for 2019 and currently maintain a difficult financial position. The newcomer to the ranking of 2020 is the Kazphosphate company, which significantly increased production volumes and showed efficient business restructuring and financial growth.
It’s important to note that the ranking of fertilizer producers of 2020 is based on the analysis of financial indicators of 2019 (revenue, net profit, EBITDA) and doesn’t reflect the impact of challenging events of 2020. How companies coped with the need to rebuild processes and supply chains under the COVID-19 pandemic will become clear from the 2021 rankings, which will be published towards the end of next year.
“Our ranking allows consumers to form a comprehensive view of the mineral fertilizer producers. The higher the position of a manufacturer in the rating, the more high-quality service it provides,” noted Alexei Rezvanov, Chief Editor of Fertilizer Daily.

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